Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TV5 Gets a Bitter Taste that is Willie Revillame

Some blogger friends are sounding off about the controversial episode of
the notorious TV personality, Willie Revillame. I didn't catch the
original telecast but I was able to watch it last night in youtube. I
have to be honest. Initially, I also found the 6-year-old JanJan's stunt
funny. It was funny in the way that he was like a wind-up doll, who
dances immediately at the sound of a certain song. It was amusing since
he is so young and yet so trained. It was like his body has a life of
its own, moving on its own accord, once the music starts.

Had it been any other kind of dance (breakdance, salsa, ballet, the
Macarena), the stint would have been a huge hit. Funny, cute kid you
dances at the drop of a hat. What was revolting was little Janjan was
gyrating sensually to the beat of the music... like a macho dancer! As
if this wasn't enough, we also have Willie Revillame laughing devilishly
egging the little boy to dance. Janjan's own aunt was laughing along
with everybody... I think I would've forgiven Willie and the show if the
dancing happened only once or twice... it happened several times! The
ultimate shameful performance was when Janjan was placed on the show's
hydraulic stage, slowly raised up as he gyrates. Willie then directs his
female dancers to act like crazed matronas screaming Janjan's name while
raising their hands as if trying to grab some piece of meat.

Yes. It was such a disgraceful sight.

It caused an outrage around the country! People cried abuse! DSWD cried
exploitation! TV5 was pressured into giving an apology... Serves them
right. This is what they get for picking up the trash that ABS CBN threw
out. This is only the beginning. You now have a savage under your
roof...and please be forewarned, he has a penchant for biting off the
hand that feeds him!

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