Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stop Negative Thoughts

Here is a way to stop negative thoughts: Focus your mind on your heart. Breathe in deeply, keeping your focus on your heart. Really focus on feeling love in your heart. Breathe out holding focus on your heart and feeling the love in your heart. Repeat this for a total of seven times.

When you do this correctly, you will feel a very big difference in your mind and your whole body. You will feel more peaceful, you will feel lighter, and you will have stopped those negative thoughts.


-The Secret (daily teachings)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I Started Another Blog...

Guess what? i started a new blog... this time i will be posting stuff about hubby and me, plus stuff about relationships, weddings, marriage etc...
Why Berto and Kwala? Hubby and i watched this old movie years ago. it was Lino Brocka's Tinimbang Ka Ngunit Kulang from the 70's which won 6 Famas Awards. It starred a young Christopher De Leon and other "big" stars. Berto was a leper and Kuala was a deranged woman also considered the village idiot. why in the world did we like them so much that we decided to take on their names??? it was because of their "you and me against the world" and "damn them all, as long as we're together" attitude. very similar to our attitude to our relationship with each other. eventually i decided to use a "w" instead of "u" for my Kwala... a personal preference =)
so come visit my other home:
of course don't forget bea's blog as well:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gadgets: Sony Ericsson C905

This is the phone that i've been lusting for... for sometime now... Being a sony ericsson and sony cyber-shot addict and loyalist, it's only natural to want this. why?

The 8.1-megapixel C905 Cyber-shot™ phone is equipped with Xenon flash and is always ready to capture the best moments of your life! haha!

I have been waiting for it to become more affordable... it is now on sale, along with other SE phones at the SE booth at megamall. it now costs a little over 20k. hmmmm.... ok i guess for a phone that can double as a digital camera...w/ wifi connectivity. the only thing that is stopping me from getting one (aside from the money part ehehe) is that there have been many complaints about it on the net. too many to ignore for even a SE lover like me! The disgruntled customers often ranted about the disfunctional earpiece or keypad... i didn't believe it at first, until i finally got to try one. hubby and i went to greenhills to get a second hand unit. i intended to trade my Sony Ericsson C902 for the C905.

we found a booth with friendly looking behind the glass cabinets. they showed us a black C905, and allowed us to test it. I just loved the feel of it in my hands. even nokia-lover hubby conceded that it felt so sturdy, plus the big screen is absolutely beautiful. i tried the camera... and i fell in love with it all over again! hahaha...

the only problem was when we tried to call each other, i couldn't hear hubby on the other line. the sounds was so low plus there was an absolutely irritating buzzing sound. they tried to tell us that it was only because we set the volume to high... but even when i tried to adjust the volume it still sounded the same, if not worse!

i thought, of course there's bound to be some kinks in this unit... after all it's a second hand unit. there is a reason why the previous owner disposed of it. i thought this was an isolated case. but when i tried to look it up on the net, it turns out that there are so many complaints about SE C905. in fact, sony ericsson acknowledges that there is indeed something wrong with some of the units. ( i wonder why they are still selling it) some units conked out after a few weeks. when they brought it to the service center, the repaired unit will only last for a few weeks then conk out again, for the same reason...

waaah! i was really disappointed. how can my beloved sony ericsson let this happen?!?

Things I'd like to have, gadgets, cellphones

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Photohunt : Anything goes...


This week there is no specific theme for the photo hunters, so i chose picture of my little girl taken recently. We were at the mall and she was again trying to charm/whine her way into getting another toy... so instead i got her a plastic piggy bank. i thought this would be a good chance to teach her the value of saving. =)

i told her she'd have to save up for the thing she wanted to have the most... and it turns out there are two of them. she wanted a big, big dollhouse and a big bike...

she's now constantly on the look out for loose change around the house. and i'd often catch her shaking the pig, as if to check if its full enough already...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekend at last!

 Audit time once again… schedules to prepare. Reports to print. It’s been a pretty toxic time at the office… so the weekend is a very welcome break! Hay! At long last! I can sleep in!

But wait, there’s more! Hubby and I still have to face the battle that is EDSA Traffic tonight. We are going to pass by many malls and most of them are having a midnight sale… on a Friday (gimmick) night! Traffic jam for sure! Oh well. At least there’s the weekend to look forward to. =)


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Domain Problems, Blog Catalog, Feedburner etc...

I woke up late today… I stayed up late last night… again! Although this time FB’s Café World is not to blame, but and blogger. =)

Well, actually it’s not their fault either, it’s mine. Setting up my existing blogs with their corresponding domain names has been exciting and mind boggling at the same time… hahaha!

I’m not really sure whether I should change my settings for blog lines and blog catalog, to reflect my domain name and delete the one with my blogspot url… does anybody have a clue? Hehehe…

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New look for my other home...

My other blog Growing Up With Bea just got a new look. i downloaded a new template from and it is just the cutest! actually there are many more templates to choose from, but i chose the pink bunny and bears template... it's so bea. cute and fixated with the color pink (for the moment)

I've been trying to choose a template for this blog... just can't find the perfect one yet. there are just so many pretty, elegant, grungy templates to choose from... depending on your taste.

hmmm... maybe tomorrow... =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Choosing between upgrading to a new (old) desktop or a new (old) laptop...

My laptop has conked out on me so many times, I’ve lost count already. A mommy who’s snap-happy and a self-confessed freebie addict, scrap enthusiast plus a 2 yr old laptop with a 30GB HD…not a very good combination. Years ago when I got my laptop, the 30GB HD seemed enough. After all, my digital camera back then was a 3.2 mp bulky sony, and my cell phone had a VGA camera… so they took up less space whenever I uploaded pics to the laptop. Fast forward to today. A 7mp digicam and 5mp cell phones… not to mention the tons of digital scrapbooking resources I’ve accumulated…yep, no wonder the ancient laptop has  been trying to retire.

When I was first introduced to digital scrapbooking… I first upgraded my memory, since Photoshop won’t even open. Then, everything was ok for a year or so… then DVD writer just won’t burn files anymore… then it got so slooooow to even just boot it. There were even times when it just wont boot. Good thing an officemate offered to reformat my laptop and upgrade its OS to windows 7. Now it’s running smoothly but the hard drive is still so limited.

My sister recently got the thing she’s been trying to attract for some time now…a mac book.  So now, she’s selling her old desktop and is offering it to me with a very tempting price and terms. Argh! I so want to… now that I have an official “home office”… but I just can’t let my trusted old laptop go… it’s been so loyal to me… hay. Maybe it’s just the pack rat in me… I love to acquire stuff but I just can’t let anything (no matter how old) go.

So after much contemplation… I have decided to pass up on my sister’s offer and just upgrade my laptop. Maybe I can get a new hard drive with a bigger capacity and a cheaper price (megamall’s having a sale this weekend… hehehe)… hopefully my laptop’s model can still accommodate the upgrade… =)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Photohunt : Sports

Last year, my family decided to embark into a wellness journey. Yes, we were overweight and had to do someting about it. hehehe. Family members from hubby's side and my side both have history of heart ailments, diabetes, hypertension and cancer... the four major death causing diseases in the world. That's why we knew it was time to get off our butts and start working out.
Here's a picture taken during one of our morning jogs at our local sports center....

It was a fun family bonding session.


the little one was not too keen about the heat though... =)




Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bangon Marikina! Bangon Pilipinas!

Let me share with my fellow Marikeños and others who were affected by the floods brought by Typhoon Ondoy a part of a book that I’ve read recently:

“Good is underneath every single thing that appears to be negative. If we can know that good is all there is, including in a negative situation, then we will see a negative situation transform into all good. Most people keep the good away from themselves because they label something as bad, and then, of course, that becomes their reality. But there is no bad in the universe; it is just our inability to see things clearly from the bigger perspective.

Peace comes from knowing that good is all that exists.”

-The Secret - Daily Teachings

Let’s try to believe that there is a bigger plan for all of us. Typhoon Ondoy is a mere bump on the road. Don’t get derailed. Just look forward and continue moving forward. Don’t wallow in the sadness and loss, for you’ll attract more sadness and loss. Be grateful…be proactive…and attract only the good things. Bangon Marikina! Bangon Pilipinas!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Typhoon Ondoy '09

September 26, 2009. This is a date that will definitely go down in Philippine history. The country was hit with a very different kind of storm. The President described the deluge, which was the worst to hit Metro Manila in more than four decades and left 80 percent of the metropolis under water, as a “once-in-a-lifetime” storm.

It had already started raining the night before. It was a strong, steady downpour. There was no roaring wind or frightening lightning that went with it, just torrents of rain. It was reported after the incident that it was actually a month’s worth of rain that heaven poured upon us. No wonder we were flooded! Most affected were areas in the metro: Marikina, Pasig, Cainta and Taguig. Bulacan, Laguna and Pampanga were also flooded. These areas were the MOST affected, but the heavy rains affected almost everybody and every place. Areas that were not known to be affected by flooding in the past were surprised to find themselves in chest-deep water. I was in one of these areas.

I have been living in Nangka, Marikina almost all of my life. We transferred here from Rodriguez, Rizal when I was only 7 years old. Since then, we have suffered numerous different storms and typhoons, but never was there even a threat of flooding in our village. The worst is when my foot would be totally submerged in clean rain water, when I’d walk along our street. Never was there a threat that the water would rise and enter our home, affect our vehicles, furniture and appliances. None like that. Even during the terrible typhoon years back that also totally flooded Provident Village. We were barely affected.

But not this time. We were very affected. And not just us.

Authorities said some people remained stranded in their flooded homes more than 48 hours after the floods, while power and telephone services were still cut in the worst-hit areas of Metro Manila.

Poor drainage systems meant some places remained waist-deep in water, while vast swathes of the sprawling metropolis of 12 million people were covered in sludge.

In schools, open-air gymnasiums and other makeshift evacuation camps, tens of thousands of people were desperately short of food, water and clothes.

As many areas of Metro Manila remained without power Sunday, rescuers plucked bodies from muddy floodwaters and scrambled to save drenched survivors on rooftops after Storm “Ondoy” left 73 people dead in a strike across the region.

Nearly 300,000 people were affected by the storm, including some 47,000 who were brought to schools, churches and other evacuation shelters, officials said.

As soon as we can, we tried going around Marikina trying to survey the damage brought by Typhoon Ondoy. What we saw truly heartbreaking. People grimy with mud, walking bare-foot, with glazed eyes….looking totally lost. People who fled their homes when flood waters started rushing in, were able to escape disaster with only the clothes on their back. Everything was lost. Various pieces of furniture, appliances, clothes, books etc strewn along the streets…now all junk.

As we talked to friends in Marikina, we heard stories that tore at our hearts. These are people living in “good” subdivisions. Not stubborn people living in shanties along the riverbanks and esteros who have been told time and again to transfer to another place. These are not people trained by experience to evacuate to the nearest public school whenever the rains are particularly strong.

A friend said that they were trapped in their house because the water rose so fast that they didn’t have time to evacuate. She didn’t have time to call for help or even answer her ringing cell phone. She was surprised that water started rushing in. Before they knew it, the water was already chest level. Fearing that they might drown right in their own home, her father had to break down a window just so they can escape. They had to swim to their neighbor’s 2-storey house. When the flood reached the second floor, they had to hold on to make shift ropes just to swim across to another neighbor’s house that had a third floor. They stayed there until the flood subsided. They were safe but hungry. They had to stay there overnight with other families, sharing whatever food they can find. Her diabetic father sustained a large gash on his leg and had to be rushed to the emergency room once the flood subsided.

Another friend suffered the same fate. Only they decided to break down a part of their ceiling. They thought they can stay up there until water subsided. They thought they were high enough… but the waters continued to rise, until they had no more choice but to break down part of their galvanized roof… and stay on top of their roof… for 16 hours. Neighbors just threw food and blankets at them just so they can survive.

An officemate just had enough time to evacuate to their neighbor’s 3-storey house. A self confessed techie, she packed her prized  mac book, itouch, psp, phones, digicam and a new dslr in her big backpack. But in the frenzy of evacuating, she remembered to pick up her pet dog but forgot all about the backpack. Everything was drenched, soaked…ruined.

A good friend was spared since they lived on the third floor of their apartment building. Their van and AUV though, were totally inundated. They had to be towed to the mechanics. Her parents’ house was also flooded. Inside the house, flood waters reached up to their necks. Her retiree parents had to hold on to the metal grills on their fence to steady themselves against the strong current of the murky flood waters… just so they can relocate to their neighbors house.

I’m sure there are many, many more heart-breaking stories… even more broken-hearted people. Everyone caught by surprise… everyone struggled to save their belongings, everyone fought to survive… sadly not everyone succeeded.

But Filipinos are a naturally happy, smiley people. We are known for our resiliency and ability to bounce back from every known adversity. I have seen people who were busy cleaning their muddied homes with smiles on their faces. Sure, they lost almost everything: furniture, appliances, important documents… but everyone in the family was alive and well… and for this they were grateful.

As I told my friends…This dire situation too, shall pass.

Our God is good and He is great. He knows what is best. Fear not, for He has a plan.  =)

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