just thinkin' out loud =)
Food. Travel. Fashion. Beauty Products. Gadgets. Faith. Entertainment. Books. Me.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
18-month baby joining a preschool?!
just thinkin' out loud =)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
feeding clinic?
abroad, they even have feeding clinics meant so address these problems. has anyone heard of such clinics here in the philippines? maybe a doctor who has actually worked on similar cases?
anyway, here is a link that i chanced upon, and i contains the best explanation for bea's feeding problem.
Monday, July 23, 2007
bea's first therapy session
last saturday, we went to st luke's for our first therapy session. we were 10 mins late. yaya, bea and i went ahead while hubby went off to search for a parking spot. we went straight to the rehab clinic which was located at the basement of the hospital. we looked for flora, the ot recommended by our doctor. she then led yaya and bea into one of the rooms in the clinic while i had to rush back up to the ground floor cashier to pay for our session.
when i got back down to the clinic, they were sitting on a mat with toys spread all around. "ate flor" was trying to feed bea some arrozcaldo. bea won't allow the spoon to even reach her mouth. but ate flor continued to play with her, until bea felt at ease.>
ate flor then used chopsticks with cotton on the tip, dipped this in ice water, then massaged bea's cheeks, lips, tongue and palate. this was meant to stimulate her mouth and to familiarize her with different textures and temperature.>
after this she tried feeding bea again and surprise! bea opened her mouth willingly and proceeded to eat. galing>
of course when we tried this at home, she just spit the food out of her mouth. daya. why did she respond to the therapist and not to us? over familiarity? oh well. we'll try and try again. this is an exercise to be done everyday. hopefully she will improve. ate flor told us to give her a variety of food. earlier today hubby prepared champorado. to no avail. spit spit spit. almost all the champorado just dribbled down to her chin and clothes. same with her milk. she just keeps on spitting her milk. i am really concerned. i really hope she improves soon enough.>
house blessing
last sunday we were invited to a house blessing. hubby's tita girlie had her house (the one where we stayed in the early years of our marriage) blessed and invited some family and friends over. good thing hubby and tita are now in good terms with each other, you see they had a falling out a few years back, and just recently reconciled. =)
here are some pics:
Thursday, July 12, 2007
we meet again mr. potter

but this blog entry isn't about the book, it's about the movie... i absolutely loved it! the unforgettable umbridge giggles (the actress who played umbridge was perfect for the role i tell you!) , the drama, the suspense, the magical wand fights...perfect! i won't blog about the details of the movie in respect for those who haven't watched it yet, although all potter fans know it is a grave sin not to watch this movie on the first day! ;)
the only things i found off with this movie are the actors who played cho and dumbledore. with cho, i just didn't like her, i think she's not pretty enough... as for dumbledore, i think he's just to nimble for the old wizard that i imagine him to be. i just can't help but wish it was the actor who played gandalf, playing dumbledore. i mean he's wise, old and frail enough but deep inside you know you can still count on him for he exudes an inner strength. oh well. wishful thinking won't hurt right? =)
anyway, those were my thoughts about the movie.
we felt a bit shy having our pics taken at rockwell (too jologs!) so after the prayer meeting, picture muna sa mega! =)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
die hard 4.0

back to the movie, here it was released as die hard 4.0 but in the states it was released as live free or die hard. i'm not a john maclane fan to begin with, but hubby is, he watched the whole trilogy! i did like the first one though,released back in 1988. it featured a very young bruce willis trying to impede the take over of the nakatomi building where his wife holly was working. don't ask me about die hard parts 2 and 3 though, because i can't remember a thing... i slept through the movies! (much to the dismay of my hubby)
back to the present, die hard 4.o, released 12 years after the third installment. maclane is now divorced and trying to have a relationship with his daughter, lucy.
in the middle of the night, on his way home, his boss calls in a favor to pick up a young hacker and drop him off in washington dc. sounds harmless enough, so he accedes. of course this supposed to be "simple" mission turns out to be just the beginning of an assortment of life-threatening adventures between maclane and matt farrell. ( he's the guy with lindsay lohan in herbie)
hmmm. what can i say about the movie? well, bruce willis reprises his role as a dark, brooding detective with a temper, who loves talking to himself. (yup, he still does that) only in this movie, it was a war in the digital age, so he was a bit lost sometimes, hence his need for a sidekick, matt. although it is quite obvious that maclane has aged a lot since the last movie, his action scenes were more demanding on this movie. i mean, he is simply indestructable. sure he gets cuts and bruises but heck, he falls off a couple of stories in a building and lands smack on concrete... and walks off as if he does this everyday. i guess his appeal as the simple everyday guy caught at the wrong place at the wrong time is now replaced by the indestructible superhero who can do just about everything, i mean kudos to maclane, the more he ages the more imperishable he gets.
well, anyway, i did enjoy the movie, even if i didn't expect myself to. it had a simple plot, very easy to understand, plus there were a lot of computers and tech stuff involved... my weakness! the action scenes were great! who would've thought that it is possible to have an F35 involved in a truck chase?! credible? not really... but quite entertaining.
looking for an old fashioned action movie to amuse you for a couple of hours? go ahead and check this movie out!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
not getting any better
it is so hard! if only someone can tellus what to do. who do we talk to? even the docs are bewildered.
can anyone help us?